Happy Halloween, one and all! Yes, it’s my favourite day of the year and as a writer of spooky tales, and someone who’s studying spooky films for her thesis, it seemed only right to talk about something spooky today. However, rather than making a list of my favourite ghost stories, or horror films, which would […]
The Next Big Thing
As far as I can tell, I’ve been tagged three times to do the Next Big Thing meme, by Cathy Russell, Richard Bon and Andrew Reid. So I figured I might as well give it a shot… Ten Interview Questions for The Next Big Thing What is the working title of your book? The Necromancer’s […]
Halloween Anthology
It’s almost Halloween (oh I’m so excited already) and I’m happy to announce that I have a story in a new Halloween-themed anthology! My mummy-with-a-difference story, Anonymous, can be found in the Penny Dreadfuls Halloween Special, which will be FREE on Amazon until Wednesday – how’s that for a Halloween treat? You can grab it […]
#FridayFlash – Phantom of the Opera
By Gary Bembridge Wishing I could hear your voice again, knowing that I never would, dreaming of you won’t help me to do, all that you dreamed I could…Edith sat in the box, gazing down at the stage. A young woman in taffeta stood near the footlights, her throat straining as she sought the higher […]
[Book Review] Blood Skies
When I first saw a tweet about Blood Skies, it was something to do with vampires. Oh yay…MORE vampires. Just what the world needed, I thought. Well, I’d been talking to writer Steven Montano on Twitter and as I got on with him, I thought I’d ignore the vampire thing and read the synopsis anyway. […]
The Goings On of Icy
I haven’t really done many posts about myself for a while, I suppose in part because I can’t think who’d be interested (well, that, and most people who read my blog follow me on Twitter so you get to hear my rants waffle on there). Still, I figured I should probably do some sort of […]