The man known as Al Shabah slipped between the pillars of the crumbling ruin. He spotted the gaping hole across the site, the entrance littered with discarded tools. The tomb raiders thought they’d located the lost tomb of Mekerepsut. Al Shabah smiled – as long as they occupied themselves with the false tomb, they wouldn’t […]
A to Z – Dead and Breakfast
April 1st marked the start of the A to Z blogging challenge, and I’ve chosen a movie theme for my posts (although I’ll be skipping Fridays to make room for my Friday Flash stories). So far, I’ve done American Psycho, Back to the Future and Cars, and while D should theoretically have been Die Hard, […]
A to Z – Cars
April 1st marks the start of the A to Z blogging challenge. Continuing with my cinematic theme, today is Cars. As with most of the other letters, there are a myriad of films I could have chosen, but I didn’t want to just use horror films! Cars is actually one of my favourite Pixar films. […]
A to Z – Back to the Future
April 1st marks the start of the A to Z blogging challenge. Continuing with my cinematic theme, today is Back to the Future, easily one of my favourite films ever. I love the whole trilogy, particularly Part III in 1885, but I’m just going to talk about Part I here. I can’t remember when I […]
A to Z – American Psycho
April 1st marks the start of the A to Z blogging challenge. Bloggers are encouraged to spend 26 days discussing whatever they want, assuming the topic of the day matches that day’s ‘letter’. I was a bit stuck for what to discuss, until I decided to stick to what I know best – movies. So […]
#FridayFlash – Click Your Heels Together
Mr Shuttleworth ushered Della into his office and pointed at the seat opposite his desk. She perched on the edge of the chair, a leather wing-backed seat at odds with the dilapidated office chair at her desk. Mr Shuttleworth eased his bulk into the vast reclining chair across his own desk, a walnut behemoth covered […]