I’ll be honest with you, I got really, really stuck to think of a film beginning with U. It wasn’t that there aren’t any – far from it – I just couldn’t think of any that I actually liked, or had seen. But I didn’t want to skip a day so I thought “To hell […]
A to Z – Tombstone
Given the fact my first published book was a Western, you may be wondering exactly why there haven’t been any Westerns in my A to Z so far. Well, wonder no more, because I’ve saved the very best for T – Tombstone. Granted, the 1993 film plays fast and loose with history, and it’s not […]
A to Z – Session 9
Can you believe we’re onto S already? Madness. Anyway, I had a whole bunch of films I wanted to talk about for S, and I spent a lot of time going back and forth between Session 9 and Suspiria. Eventually I settled on Session 9, although I’m not overly sure why. I love both films, […]
A to Z – Rear Window
No A to Z of movies would be complete without at least one entry by Sir Alfred Hitchcock, and this one actually features two. While I could have used his films for an array for entries, so far I’ve restricted myself to The Lodger for L, and now Rear Window for R. I must admit, […]
A to Z – Quatermass and the Pit
On Thursday, I visited The Plague of the Zombies for ‘P’, and today I’m back with Hammer for Quatermass & The Pit. Hammer are probably most associated with horror, despite their forays into other genres, and their 1950s boom of popularity actually came through science fiction, with the triple whammy of The Quatermass Xperiment (1955), […]
A to Z – The Plague of the Zombies
I used to be a fan of zombies until they went mainstream, but I have to admit, I will always have a fondness for the old school ‘voodoo’ zombies. After all, it’s where the sub genre started – long before viruses and radiation from space got blamed, cinema was using voodoo to explain its fascination […]