Image by the_franz The invisible man slipped onto buses and rode around the city without ever paying a fare. He sneaked into hotels and slept in empty rooms, and dined on leftovers in expensive restaurants. He saw films for free, and used book stores as private libraries. Alarm systems ignored him as he made no […]
Free Short Story – Remembering the War
Faraday James sat in the chair by the window, staring out at the street. How quiet it seemed, how empty. Men were missing and families mourned, keeping all but the lonely indoors. He could see the appeal in it – inside, in the comfort of one’s own living room, the rest of the world was […]
NaNoWriMo 2013
It’s now November 2nd, and all over the world, those taking part will hopefully have written 3,334 of their newest novels for NaNoWriMo. I first attempted NaNo in 2007, but I didn’t ‘win’ until 2008, when I wrote the first draft of my Fowlis Westerby novel. 2009 was a bust, but I did finish a […]
#FridayFlash – Halloween
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Happy Halloween
Made using a tutorial found here.
Craftblogclub October Challenge Reveal
As we rapidly rush towards the end of October, it’s now time to finally show off my product for October’s #craftblogclub challenge. The challenge, discussed here on Emma Berry’s blog, was to create a Halloween decoration using a craft we’d never tried before. Naturally, for me, that ruled out digital artwork, knitting, crochet, and jewellery. […]