Of all the ‘traditional’ monsters, I’ve always liked mummies the most, but I’ve often felt werewolves had potential that wasn’t always used. Many of the books I’ve read have tried to turn werewolves into super creatures, imbued with powers and abilities that put them on the same playing field as vampires – but this, in […]
Liebster Award
I was granted the Liebster Award by bloggers and fellow writers Katherine Hajer and David Shrock. The basic principle is that you receive the award, answer the questions posed by whoever nominated you, then nominate your own chaps and ask questions of your own. I usually forget to actually write these posts after I get […]
#FridayFlash – Payment Taken
This story is available exclusively to members of my mailing list. Sign up below for access to new short stories every month!
Cover reveal!
I’ve been buzzing about my forthcoming novella, The Necromancer’s Apprentice, for a while, and now I can finally reveal the cover! Only it’s not here – it’s over on Dark Continents Publishing’s blog, along with my post in which I discuss my influences and the world building of the story. If you want to see […]
#FridayFlash – The Shadow Cabinet
This story is available exclusively to members of my mailing list. Sign up below for access to new short stories every month!
NaNoReMo 2014
NaNoReMo is almost upon us again, with the aim being that throughout the month of February, you read a classic novel. Your definition of ‘classic’ may differ from mine, and people are choosing all sorts for their monthly read, but I think the spirit of the venture is such that as long as you’re reading […]