Normally I’d use a Friday to post one of my Friday flash stories, but this week it’s rather different. Not only is it my birthday (wow, 825 already!), today also makes the day you can buy The Necromancer’s Apprentice! It’s a novella of which I am immensely proud, and I hope anyone who buys it […]
#FridayFlash – Gallows
They’re all standing down there, pushing and shoving to get up close to the scaffold. Horrible lot, all elbows and knees as they try to get to the front. And they call me the animal! I’m no animal, just someone they don’t understand. They’re baying for blood, or at least a sight they’ll be able […]
#Craftblogclub – Upcycle Challenge
The latest #craftblogclub challenge has been to upcycle an item, giving something old some love. The challenge said furniture or homeware but I’m not allowed to touch the furniture in here and I don’t really have any homeware of my own. I did consider buying something small, so I trawled the secondhand shops in Heaton […]
Free eBook Week
It’s Free eBook Week on Smashwords until Saturday 8 March, so I’m making two of my titles available. You can grab Checkmate & Other Stories, a collection of fifteen short tales, spanning fantasy, horror, sci fi and speculative fiction. Among other things, ‘Bleed Them Dry’ puts a new spin on vampires, talking corpses tell their […]
New Crocheted Handwarmers
I haven’t posted about crafting in a while so I thought I’d address that with this post, particularly since I’ve finally made myself something decent to wear using crochet. I sort of taught myself the basics of crochet a while ago but so far I’ve restricted myself to amigurumi (including a cute Cthulu I made […]
#FridayFlash – Charger
I don’t want to be out in the boat, on this lake, but Olly thought it would be romantic. He’s sitting back, enjoying the sun. I try not to look at the water, but it seizes my gaze and forces me to look. I see flashes of something below – it can’t be, but it […]