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NaNoReMo 2014
NaNoReMo is almost upon us again, with the aim being that throughout the month of February, you read a classic novel. Your definition of ‘classic’ may differ from mine, and people are choosing all sorts for their monthly read, but I think the spirit of the venture is such that as long as you’re reading […]
#FridayFlash – The Visitor
Soft white flakes float from the clear sky. They settle across cracked roofs, in blocked gutters, and between the cobblestones in the narrow lane. The door to the parish church stands ajar, and carols drift out into the cold night air. Only devoted worshippers venture abroad as most souls seek the refuge of the family […]
#BookReview – Cobweb Empire
Back in October I reviewed Vera Nazarian’s Cobweb Bride, the first in a trilogy set in an imaginary pocket of Europe during the Renaissance. I absolutely loved book one, awarding it four blunt pencils, and managed to get my mitts on Cobweb Empire, its follow-up. I’ve had book two on my Kindle for some time, […]
Post-Christmas Grind: Getting Back into Your Writing Routine
No matter how good your intentions, sticking to a well-honed writing routine over Christmas is virtually impossible. Putting aside all of the time commitments involved in buying and wrapping presents, visiting friends and family, and preparing all that food, even if you do manage to sneak in some writing time, you’ll no doubt be met […]
Free Fiction Read – Footsteps
I’m reading in bed when I hear footsteps on the stairs. I freeze, book in hand, listening hard. I hope it’s just the house settling, floorboards getting used to the night time air. But no, I hear them again. Footsteps. Only I’m the only one home. I wriggle further under the covers, as though a […]