I’ve been a fan of Hammer for a long time now, enjoying both their ‘heyday’ films and their more recent output – I loved The Woman in Black, liked Let Me In, and even The Resident had its charm. So I’ve been looking forward to The Quiet Ones for a while now – and I […]
Should you close comments on your blog?
Comments used to be the backbone of the blogging community. I found your post and left a comment, then you came to my blog and commented on a post of mine. And so it went on. Comments are an awesome way to interact, and they can be a goldmine for both you and the reader. The […]
Halfway through my Blog Tour
I’ve been happily promoting The Necromancer’s Apprentice since it came out a month ago, which has been easy to do after reading the lovely reviews it’s had so far! I’ve also been posting Friday flash stories set in the world of the novella for the past few weeks, to give you a taste of the […]
#FridayFlash – Last Words
Monte looked at the book lying on the table. No name was emblazoned on the spine or cover. “Seems like a pretty big book to be lugging around,” he said. He knocked back the last of his whiskey, winced, and put down the glass. “Important things are no burden.” The man across the table smiled, […]
Spring is Coming
We’ve finally had a respite from the fog that’s been sitting across the north east of late (I’m not kidding, my phone’s weather app was stuck on ‘Fog’ from last Friday until yesterday) so I decided to take an advantage of the slightly nicer weather and take some snaps in the garden. Not all of […]
Getting some good reviews in
I never wanted to be one of those people who did nothing but bleat about how many reviews I’ve been getting but if I’m honest, I was so pleased to even be able to announce the eBook debut of The Necromancer’s Apprentice on Friday, and now I’m extra pleased to be able to announce my […]