Being a writer should be fairly straightforward. Sit down, and write, yeah? Oh if only. So I’m setting myself a writing challenge.
Write 500 words a day for 31 days.
Easy. I write 750 words a day using on my lunch hour. 500 words a day should be no problem at all. But there’s a catch…
That’s 750 words of brain dump. It might be freewriting about whatever academic project I’m stuck on. It might be a random blog post. It might be a flash fiction, or part of a short story. It’s not a fixed project.
And this is part of my problem. I’ve been so burned out on either editing my supernatural YA novel, Fowlis Westerby, or working on an academic book about the Gothic that I’ve found it hard to write anything new.
So when I saw Jeff Goins’ challenge I thought great! I’m in! (You can check it out here)
So the prompt for Day 1 was to COMMIT. Make a mental effort to get on board. And obviously actually write 500 words a day. (Actual words written? None. Because I ended up going out on a horrific date after work which I wish I hadn’t bothered with and got nothing done. There’s a moral in there somewhere, my dears)
Day 2’s prompt, which was today, was to set a goal. What do I want to accomplish?
I want to get started on the third book in the Grey O’Donnell series. I’ve asked the subscribers to my mailing list which one of three potential titles they like best, and I’ll be announcing the winning title on my blog next week. In the meantime, I want to get started on it while I still have the momentum from the To Kill a Dead Man launch. Seemed like a good opportunity.
Actual words written? None. So yeah, I’m off to a great start!
Ha! Excellent start! These things happen, Although the date sounds horrific! so are u going to write an extra 1000 to catch up? I’d love to do this too, but I only get 30 mins for lunch and can usually only get about 350 words done in that time on the days I actually take a break that is. I need to keep editing tho I feel burnt out too so maybe this is the sort of kick I need.
I managed to catch up by breaking it into three chunks throughout the day. I write so much better in short bursts!
And I could tell you such horror stories about dating!
Well, I would, but I’m afraid I’d keep you accountable to writing no words every day.
There, I’m cheering you on from my lounge chair.
I did it! I’m not sure how but I did it!