Everyone else appears to be doing reviews of 2012, and for a while, I did think about dissecting the year using various typical headings. Problem was, I couldn’t remember what books I’d read this year (or what I’d read in 2011), and I couldn’t remember all of the films I’d seen in 2012. Thinking back on it all, I simply depressed myself because this year has not been particularly great. I’ve had two break ups, countless other difficulties with interpersonal relationships, other needless hassle, and not a lot of success in the writing department – basically, I didn’t have time to write as much as I’d have liked since I had other, more pressing, demands on my time. While yes, I celebrated the first anniversary of publication of The Guns of Retribution, and I did complete the first version of The Necromancer’s Apprentice which is currently with the beta readers, I didn’t really have time to do any more and that as rather depressed me. However, I did have a few stories appearing in various anthologies, and I’ve done well on the PhD front. I think the best part of the year was easily my trip to Venice in the summer, which inspired a scattering of Friday flashes (the photo is me in the Piazza San Marco in front of the Basilica, with the Campanile to the right).
So instead of looking back across the year that was, I’m going to look forward to the year that will be. I don’t do resolutions, and haven’t done so for a very long time, but I am going to set myself some goals instead – goals are things you would like to reach, while resolutions are things you will do, and unfortunately my temperament tends to skitter away from things I must do in favour of things I want to do, rendering the implementation of resolutions somewhat problematic. So in 2013, I intend to complete at least one more writing project next year, be it another novella or a full-length novel, as well as hopefully putting out another anthology of short stories. I’ve got plenty of ideas for novels so that shouldn’t be an issue…so long as I manage to find the time! I’ve been outlining towards the end of this year so I’ve got plenty to start on when I’ve finished editing my Fowlis Westerby novel. Once I’ve got the structural outline in place I tend to find it easier to ‘fill in the gaps’, so to speak.
Away from writing fiction, I also intend to keep working on my digital art, as well as working hard towards my PhD. I’ve got two essays to plan and write for possible inclusion in anthologies, and with the literature review and historical context chapters out of the way, I’ll be able to get my teeth into the main ‘meat’ of my thesis. I’m actually really looking forward to it, and I’m extremely lucky to have chosen such a wide-ranging set of topics, making the research a pleasure as opposed to a chore. I finish my teacher training course in May, which should free me up to devote my time to other pursuits. Whether that’s blogging, writing, knitting, drawing or something else I haven’t yet taken up as a hobby, I don’t know yet, but it’ll be lovely to have the time to choose!
All I will say in closing is thank you to anyone who has bought a copy of one of my books this year, because if people didn’t buy them I’d give serious thought to just quitting this mad business altogether.
May 2013 be a great year ahead for you.
Adam B @revhappiness
If it weren’t for Google Analytics, I couldn’t have done a 2012 retrospective. I don’t remember all the books I read, movies I saw, meals I ate, etc.
IMNSHO, any year in which you successfully launch a doctoral program is a win – anything else you get done that year is gravy on top.
I’m with Tony—you filled your plate, and you’ve managed to keep it balanced so far. I can imagine how tiring it is, trying to have a (writing) life on top of doctoral studies, work, and family. It’s hard enough for me without the doctoral studies part.
Here’s hoping ’13 treats you better than ’12 — hey, it wasn’t the end of the world after all!
I think you achieved a fair bit in 2012 and I wish you a happy and successful 2013