Plastic pumpkins and foam headstones fill the shops. Youtube groans under the weight of Halloween makeup tutorials. And the television stations pump their channels full of creaky old horror films. But for those in the know, this is the time for Halloween spells, honouring the dead, and preparing for winter.
Don’t panic at the mention of the word ‘spells’. Have you ever approached a car park, whispering “Please let there be a space” as you did so? You technically cast a spell. Or have you crossed your fingers while buying a lottery ticket? Same thing. You’re asking the Universe, the powers that be, the Gods, for something. Keeping it simple, much like the witches’ charms we looked at, is your best bet for success.
Unlike the magic systems in fantasy fiction (like my Magic & Mayhem series), ‘magic’ in this sense is more like making a wish. And few people have problems with wishing on stars!

So, come with me and let’s explore some simple spells to protect your home and maybe find love in 2020! Hit ‘play’ to hear the podcast episode of this post, or keep reading…
Halloween Spells to Protect your Home
Many people choose to put out jack o’lanterns at this time of year. I’ve got a whole article on the link between jack o’lanterns and Halloween. So we won’t dwell on it here.
But there’s a super easy spell you can use when you put them outside. Written by yours truly, no less. The whole point of this charm is to protect your property from any wandering spirits that might fancy popping in. You know, without permission.
Carve your pumpkins and choose where to put them outside. If you live in an apartment, you might put them on your windowsill or a balcony. And this spell absolutely works even if you have to use fake ones.

Wait until dusk and light the candles in the pumpkins. (I don’t have room for pumpkins so I painted some glass jars to look like jack o’lanterns. I light tea lights inside then put them at the living room window.)
As you light the candles, recite this charm;
Pumpkin, please protect my home,
From roof tile down to founding stone,
Windows, doors, and all between,
Guard this place on Halloween.
When you’ve lit all the candles, finish the charm by saying;
This spell protects my home and me,
As I will it, so must it be.
If the candles are indoors, remember to put them out before you go to bed. There’s no point trying to protect your house if you’re going to burn it down by accident.
Garden Witch Ellen Dugan also offers a spell to keep ghosts away using simple chrysanthemums. You can use chrysanthemums growing outside, or put a bunch in a vase.
If you’re using a vase, put it near the door, saying;
A flower fascination I spin on this Halloween night.
Keep spooks and specters far away, repel bad luck from my sight.
Hear my words, and let the magic flow, both hither and yon
This spell will last, and ward my home, until the break of dawn.
Put it in place saying “By the magic of Halloween, as I will it, so must it be.”
A Spell to Honour the Dead
If you’ve got green fingers, or you want a special way to honour deceased loved ones, you might want to try this simple charm. It comes from the Goddess and the Green Man but I’ve reworked it to make it more suitable for different climates. Of all the Halloween spells, this one is the kindest.
On Halloween, gather a white candle, a dish, a packet of seeds, and a separate bag. Pick seeds that are suitable for the climate and conditions in your garden. Find a quiet spot and pour the seeds into the dish. Light the candle and sit thinking about your loved one.

You can talk to them aloud, thanking them for particular memories. Or just reminisce about the good times. This spell also works well if there are several of you that want to take part. Focus on the seeds while you do this. It’s best to do this at Halloween when the worlds of the living and the dead are much closer.
If you can, let the candle burn down completely (tea lights are a good option). Leave the seeds in the dish overnight. In the morning, put the seeds in the pouch where you’ll keep them until they’re ready to be planted.
When it’s time to plant the seeds, plant them with your right hand. And tell them they’re to grow in the memory of your loved one.
Halloween Divination
If you’re not into Halloween spells, then it’s also the perfect time of year to do a little divination. In the old calendar, Halloween (or Samhain, to give it the proper name) marked the end of the year. According to traditional lore, the God dies and journeys to the Underworld. The Goddess moves into her Crone phase and mourns him, although she knows he will be reborn on the winter solstice.
So it’s ideal for introspection and planning, rather than being active and ‘doing’. Instead of waiting until January 1 to plan the coming year, you can do it on October 31.
You can use all sorts of things for divination, not just complicated systems like Tarot cards, playing cards or runes. One method is to choose a favourite book from your shelves. Ask a question and let the book fall open. The first thing you read is your answer. A modern alternative is to go on Wikipedia. Ask your question then hit ‘random article’. Or ask a question and then make a note of the first song you hear. You get the idea.

But here’s an idea you can try if you want something more ‘classical’.
Divination by Pendulum
You need a pendulum. If you have a dedicated one, great. If not, something with a little weight on a chain will do. Pendant necklaces or even a key on a chain is fine. It just needs to swing.
Hold your pendulum above a flat surface (it gives you something to rest your elbows on). Let your pendulum hang until it falls still. You need to ‘tune’ the pendulum first.
So ask a yes/no question you know the answer is ‘yes’. Pay attention to what the pendulum does. That’s your ‘yes’ movement. Repeat this to find out your ‘no’ – you can even find your ‘maybe’ if you want.
Now concentrate on the year ahead. Ask a few more questions in a yes/no format and see what your pendulum does.
You can also try divination with matches and a bowl of water. Light one match and ask your yes/no question. Drop the match into the water. Do this twice more.
If two or three matches float, the answer is yes. If two or three matches sink, it’s no.
Halloween Spells for Love
We’ve talked about mirror spells before but Halloween is the ideal time to do them. Light some candles and stand in front of a mirror. Don’t have any electric lights on at all.
Gaze at your reflection while brushing your hair. The face of your true love should appear in the mirror.

Not convinced? Peel an apple while doing your best to keep the peel in one piece. As you do so, think about all the qualities you would like in a partner. (Do not think of a specific person). Throw the peel over your right shoulder. Whatever letter it resembles is your future beloved’s first initial.
And finally, if you love candle spells, this one is for you. Get a pink candle and a red candle. On October 30, rub them with jasmine oil and bind them in a figure-8 with red thread. Light them, and say;
Both flames of passion and tender love
Exist in the romance I dream of.
As I seek him/her, he/she seeks me too,
We’ll share a love that’s only true.
Let them burn down a third, then snuff them out. Repeat on October 31 and November 1 until the candles are burned out.
You might try any, or all, of these Halloween spells. Just remember magic works best when you back it up with physical action. So lock your doors at night, be a good person, and remember to water your plants.
Happy Halloween!
Which of these Halloween spells might you try?
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Fascinating post!